Trends in Data Management: A 2023 DATAVERSITY Report
About the Paper

The Trends in Data Management 2023 Report provides a comprehensive overview of the evolving landscape in the field of Data Management, highlighting significant developments and emerging patterns that are shaping the industry around the world. The report delves into the continued importance of Data Governance and Data Quality, while also emphasizing the increasing need for organizations to implement Data Literacy initiatives. The continued year-over-year importance of robust BI for accurate reporting is also analyzed, as gaining insights through analytics continues to be a principal driver of Data Management in the majority of organizations surveyed.
Additionally, the report explores the primary trends in Data Strategy, Data Architecture, Metadata Management, MDM, and Data Modeling. It also investigates the growth (and future plans) for emerging technologies such as data fabric and data mesh, AI/machine learning, continued cloud adoption and challenges, data lake implementation, and many others that organizations are planning to adopt over the next few years.
Such trends were cited in the DATAVERSITY 2023 Trends in Data Management Survey. This report details and analyzes the latest thoughts, trends, and activities indicated by those who participated in that study.
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