The Practitioner's Data Governance Balancing Act:

Balancing Competing Priorities and Succeeding in Data Governance

DATE: November 6, 2019

TIME: 2 PM Eastern / 11 AM Pacific

PRICE: Free to all attendees

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About the Webinar

Building and managing a successful data governance program is no easy feat. If you were given a blank slate and had all the time and resources you needed, you could likely build the Data Governance program of your dreams. But it doesn’t work that way. Data Governance is rarely built from scratch and it isn’t built in a vacuum. Heck, you are lucky to even get a few moments of peace to think strategically. There are pockets of data quality, areas of strong and weak data management, and maybe even some previous attempts at governance. Home-grown businesses processes abound and there are plenty of “data priorities” to go around and every one of them is the most important, right? So, with all the competing needs and challenges how do you prioritize, balance, and make Data Governance happen successfully?

In this webinar, you will learn – from a Data Governance practitioner and industry leader – ways to build and manage your Data Governance program while sifting through noise and handling everything else that is thrown at you daily. You will learn tips and tricks to establish governance in small, iterative steps towards building the strong, enduring program you always wanted it to be.

About the Speaker

Buff_Anne.jpgAnne Buff is the Director of Data Governance for Envolve Healthcare. She has been a specialist in the world of data for over 20 years and is an industry leader in data governance. Over the years, she has developed courseware on data management, master data management, and data governance and she’s served as an executive consultant on data strategy, data monetization, and developing strong data organizations. She has also served on the Board of Directors for the Data Governance Professionals Organization.

Anne is passionate about sharing her love for data. Her energy, excitement, and enthusiasm for all things data will grab you in ways you never expected, leaving you refreshed and ready to take on your toughest of data issues. Her mission is to help you find your love for data because (as she says) it will love you back.

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