This is Part 4 of The Yosemite Project Webinar Series. The previous episodes are not considered pre-requisites, but recordings of those sessions are available (Video and Audio) at
In this presentation, we will discuss ways to expose clinical knowledge as OWL and RDF resources on the Web in order to promote greater convergence in the representation of health knowledge in the longer term. We will also explore how one might rally and coordinate the community to seed the Web with a core set of high-value resources and technologies that could greatly enhance health interoperability.
Claude Nanjo is a Software Architect at Cognitive Medical Systems. He is also an active contributor to a number of HL7 and S&I clinical modeling initiatives including Health eDecision (HeD), the Clinical Quality Framework (CQF), and Fast Health Interoperable Resources (FHIR). At both Cognitive Medical Systems and Zynx Health, Claude has been involved in a number of research projects exploring the intersection between Clinical Decision Support and the Semantic Web. Prior to joining Zynx Health, Claude was engaged in research developing machine learning solutions to mine information on the Web. Claude studied at the University of California where he obtained a B.S. in Biochemistry, a B.A. in History as well as a Masters degree in Public Health and African Area Studies.