The VistA EHR has its own data model and vocabularies for representing healthcare data. This webinar describes how SPARQL Inference Notation (SPIN) can be used to translate VistA data to the data represented used by FHIR, an emerging interchange standard.
Rafael Richards is a Physician Informatician in the Office of Informatics and Analytics in the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), and supports its national health information system on the VistA platform. Prior to joining VA , Dr. Richards was an Assistant Professor in the Division of Health Science Informatics and Department of Anesthesiology at Johns Hopkins University. Rafael's current interests and activities are in health data standards, medical device data integration, and modernizing VA data infrastructure. Prior to medicine, Rafael earned a B.S. Engineering from Swarthmore, M.S. Applied Mathematics from Lehigh University, and worked several years in biomedical engineering and in scientific software applications with IBM and in the UK office of Wolfram Research. Rafael is currently an invited expert in the Semantic Web in Healthcare and Lifesciences of W3C.